
I'm Gab, and I want to help you with your fitness journey. I'm a movement enthusiast specializing in calisthenics and bboying (breakdancing), but I also enjoy other modalities as well.

My focus is to provide you with everything you need to know on how to improve your fitness with a smarter, science-based approach.


I started as a skinny kid and got teased a lot because of that. I used to enjoy softball. Stepping on the plate for batting was quite challenging for me because people always make fun of my body as skinnier than the bat I'm holding. That didn't help me with my confidence.

During PE class and CAT class (basically a very basic military class), the boys were often required to do push-ups. And throughout the years, I CAN'T DO A SINGLE ONE. I passed both classes performing the required number of reps without doing a single proper form of the exercise.

So when I got into my uni, I decided to make a change and entered the weightlifting world.

Most of my progress can be attributed to my self-discipline and hard work, but the protocols I followed were from random advice from gym goers.

While I'm no longer skinny and weak, I still can't do bodyweight exercises for some reason.

That led me to Youtube tutorials, and I learned even more about advanced calisthenics movements that caught my attention, particularly the planche, and handstand.

From that moment, I knew where to place my focus on.

Calisthenics Journey

Searching through Google and Youtube for the BEST calisthenics educator wasn't that easy because there are tons to choose from.

Filtering out the trusted ones vs the calisthenics "gym bros" was the name of the game.

Eventually, it led me to my top few at that time, such as:

  • FitnessFAQs
  • Calisthenics Movement
  • Bodyweight Warrior
  • Simonster

They weren't that popular YET then but they knew what they were doing. This list grew even further, and I became interested in where they were getting their facts from.

After a few years, I got into a content writing job in the fitness niche. What made me truly realize what I really wanted to do was to research what to write.

I didn't just want to get the best SEO ranking or the most trending article.

I wanted to be a source of high-quality fitness content that's backed up with research.

While there's not a lot of study on bodyweight fitness, we can extrapolate data from related studies that follow the same principle.

My goal is to synthesize these studies while providing my insights and of others from trusted sources so you can always MAXIMIZE your gains for your fitness journey.

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